Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It's all about the Music

I got tagged by Lillian. I'm concerned about doing this meme - I often get in trouble for being a little bit too young, and admitting my favourite music is certainly going to confirm this for a lot of people! But here I go anyway!

5 - You’re going on a long journey, what five albums MUST you take with you? Albums that you need to listen to regularly.

(This changes a lot! But this is what my ipod tells me has been popular lately!)
  1. The Waifs - Sink or Swim (I can't get enough of their folky harmonies and cheesy lyrics)
  2. Dixie Chicks - Top of the World Tour (Country tunes that I can sing really loud and really badly with!)
  3. Madonna - The Immaculate Collection
  4. Regina Spektor - Begin to Hope
  5. Mika - Life in Cartoon Motion (AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME FUN!)

4 - What four albums/songs do you most associate with a journey or travel experience? You know, the ones you listen to that instantly transport you back to a place and time.

4 Non Blondes - What's Up.... Grade 8 School trip to Tasmania, I'd made a mixed tape (remember those!) and it was the only one we had for the whole trip. Sitting on the back seat screaming out our lungs to this song was great fun.

Hunters and Collectors - Throw your arms around me... My entire, wonderful, memory filled 3 years that I had living at Menzies College, Latrobe University. Everytime I hear it I think of the beautiful and loving friendships that were formed over those years....

Emmylou Harris - The Tennessee Waltz... As a kid we would take long trips up to Pambula in Central NSW every other Christmas to visit my Nana. We rarely had much input as to what tapes were played so we just had to try our best to enjoy Mum and Dad's selection. I'll admit that I rarely hear this song these days, but if I did it would take me straight back to the backseat of our silver Toyota Tarago, winding up over the hills on the east coast of Australia with my sister and I in tears over the fate of this man's loved sweetheart....

Rent the Musical soundtrack - Melbourne to Robinvale/Mildura road trips. A good 6 hour drive that we often completed up and back over the course of a weekend for 21sts, random parties or to ease the boredom of college on the weekends! Myf, Meg, Ez and I would belt out these tunes and then stop for a while to contemplate the meaning of the lyrics - oh we were moved! One Song, Glory!

All 3 - Your three favorite songs of all time? (This really is NOT easy!)

Better Man - Pearl Jam

Burn One Down - Ben Harper

The Boxer - Simon and Garfunkel

2 - Two feel good songs, the ones that are guaranteed to lift the blues and put a smile on your face.

Goodbye Earl - Dixie Chicks... so it's about an abusive husband getting what he deserves, but it's sung in such an upbeat way it always makes me smile!

Irene Cara - Flashdance

1 - Absolute, overall, undoubtedly the best album of all time, in your opinion.

Madonna - The Immaculate Collection

(Note that this took me ages! And I must have changed every answer at least twice)

I’d like to know what sort of music gets Bangkok Ali, Christina G , LaNina and Sloth reflecting


Anonymous said...

Oh I like Madonna. So you like Dixie Chicks? have to get a cd and listen to it.. This is a hard meme isn't it.. thanx for doing it :-)

Molange said...

Hey Lillian, I'm always up for some Madonna (nothing will get on a dance floor faster!)
And the Dixie Chicks are great! I am not a huge country fan but the Dixie Chicks have fantastic vocals and great lyrics. They have a new album Taking the Long Way which is all about dealing with the US outrage to a political statement they made. It's a great album, and a good first Dixie Chicks CD to buy... enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of mixed tapes... I just made one for Muz to put in his car yesterday. It cost me like $4 for one blank tape! Wtf!?

Molange said...

$4! Out-bloody-rageous!
Hey Sloth, I wanted to tag you as well - but I can't find your bleedin' blog!

Anonymous said...

I know! Inconceivable!
Umm.. you should be able to get to it if you click on my name? It's just my myspace page.
I have a blog somewhere but I have too much shit and I'm somewhat easily confused.
I'll just copy and paste yours and add it to my page. It will give me something to do while I wait for Prison Break to start.

Unknown said...

You definitely have the best name for a blog in the whole world.

Molange said...

Hey Lost Boy - cheers for the compliment! You can thank Sloth for that!