Went to Singapore for a teaching workshop last week. Not a bad deal, front up at work for 2 days after the Easter holidays only to be sent packing for 4 days to mingle with piss head teachers in Singapore. The workshop itself was interesting, beneficial and enjoyable - three good qualities for days away from work. Met some crackers and some not so. Took way too much advantage of the free booze on Thursday night, followed it up with way too much of the duty free gin I'd picked up on the way in and then spent way too much time speaking with ralph on the big white phone. Needless to say, day two of the conference was way too bloody difficult. By the time lunch came around I was ready to chew someones leg off. The ladies who joined me at lunch gave me the appropriate amount of sympathy and more than the appropriate amount of piss taking. They then compared me to a bloke who was fast asleep at the top of the stairs heading away from the cafeteria. Little did they know that it was Park, the guy who had way too much of the other half of the gin that I picked up at duty free.....
Feeling slightly recovered from my indulgences I spent an extra day in Singapore with the wonderful and beautiful Reubs. He once again drove me around, taking me to the best places to eat, the fanciest places to people watch and sip martinis and the best places to pick up bargains. Auntie Shirley (Reubs' equally wonderful mum) cooked up a curry storm that rivaled the infamous curries of ol' 2North days. Just the right amount of spice, yogurt and cucumber to send the taste buds into a frenzy. Not quite as gastronomically delightful was Daniel's 8th birthday party feast on Sunday - luckily Reubs and I had snuck out for tempting ribs in broth beforehand and got away with just one serve of cheesy bacon American diner style fries at the bday party. As always, Singapore was for me, better than anyone ever says. Trees, traffic free roads and countless places that serve prata at anytime you might need it - I think to myself "maybe it's my next stop before I go home?" but then I get back to the stinking hot, traffic infested madness of Bangkok and wonder "aren't I already there?"