Who let the Dog's out?
It's been a long, hard battle for the Mad Dogs. We started out as a bunch of women who collectively had about 4 years of netball experience between them. We enjoyed being absolutely trounced each and every week by ladies who could stride the entire length of the court in only three paces. We laughed at our inability to catch, or remain upright or not step. It was amusing that we were so bad. But oh, how things have changed! While it is true only a couple of original Mad Dogs remain we have built on a culture of hard work and determination. We made some good trades and picked up some classy ladies and finally, finally, we've come through with the goods. That's right people, the Mad Dogs took out the league (well Div 2 anyway, but come on, cheers please!) What else is there to say except, well done ladies you deserved it! WHO LET THE DOGS OUT? WOOF WOOF WOOF!
Woof! Well done girlies... wish I could have been there with you.... but then maybe you wouldn't have won. Good on you.
Hi Ange! Good on you and Mad Dogs! I very well remember my very first match with Mad Dogs, alias my very first contact with Netball... Wish there was a netball team here but I don't think netball has crossed the ocean to Cameroon just yet.
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