Monday, March 26, 2007

All gambled out

had a friends 50th on saturday night (yes, I have a friend who is 50, it is true that she could be my mum, but you need to keep in mind that I am a whole lot younger than most expats here!) it was a great night of fine wine, fancy food and casino game playing! She'd turned her (massive) apartment into a casino and conned her kids and netball team to come and work the tables for the night. There was blackjack (i sucked), poker (i lost), two up (no luck) and roulette (lost everything)... we were betting with lollies (chupa chups were big money, white rabbits on the low end)... i really wasn't very good at all and was all out by 10pm. I begged borrowed and stole what i could and then decided that being away from the tables and closer to the bar was a better option anyway. It was a super night but one that needs to be kept hush hush as gambling is completely and totally illegal - i hope that using candy gives us a loophole when we are facing time in Bangkok Hilton!

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