Thursday, October 11, 2007

How much longer can I put this off?

wow, it's just been months and months since I've been here. It kinda got to a point where there was just too much to write about that I didn't know where to start and I didn't know what to include and what to leave out. We are at week 9 at school, week freaking 9!!! And I still feel like I am running about like a headless chicken, making up lessons (albeit fantastic ones) as I go along. My work load seems heavier this year, I need to up my tempo, but it's just not happening for me. Don't get me wrong, I am loving it - L-O-V-I-N-G it - this year with the older kids and the algebra and the proofs and the logic... but it's more work, it's not an easy task making geometric proofs mindblowingly fascinating for 15 year olds!!!

I should bring you up to speed on some things......

summer break was indescribably brilliant. My younger sister is just beyond words. What an absolute champion, how lucky am I that my younger sis is one of my best mates? One of those people that just brings out the best in you without even trying... total trooper.... we cruised around Vietnam and Cambodia, catching up on years and years of not really knowing all there is to know about your sister... no fighting, just fun and games!!! Thanks pal, it was awesome!

a week of relaxing in Krabi before school hit back was super fun. A new clique of mates, an awesome holiday house, lots of mojitos, an Aussie version of trivial pursuit (was there a sports question that i didn't know?), some late night swimming, rock climbing, beach sitting, harry potter reading, beach shopping, seafood eating.... aaahhh.... what a way to spend the week before you hit the grind again!

school started way back in August.... the first week is always great (even though I regret starting the year hungover - no, wait, I'd say I was drunk....), teachers are enthusiastic and you don't admit it but you are excited to see the kids again. Your lessons are energetic and interactive, the canteen food is not as bad as you remember, there are new staff members that need tours and appropriate evenings on the juice as warm welcomings to Bangkok... this carries on for a few weeks... then the marking starts to pileup... meetings are called... kids don't do their work and you need to deal with can't remember what a factor or a prime number is and you cry a little inside.... I get questions from 13 year olds like "Miss Ange, if I have already done Ex 4.1 should I do it again?" to which I reply (sarcastically) "yes of course you should"... and they do... over the summer it seems that I forgot my kids aren't too clued up on sarcasm...

the teacher talentless show was just that - talentless! but the kids loved it (and just quietly, dressing up as a teenage mutant ninja turtle - I loved it too!!! Half term break is just around the corner (lots of marking and parent consultations to endure beforehand though)... I'm heading up to China for a week which should be great... bring on THE WALL!!!!

My social life is continuing to keep me smiling... dancing to cheesy soft rock seems to be my current fancy and places like Adamakers and Yes Indeed are becoming increasingly regular... I'm not sure if I should be impressed or worried that bar staff know my name and my order??
I've got good internet access at home now so there's no excuse for being so slack! Hopefully I will find the flow again and will resume posting and reading my mates blogs that used to entertain me daily.... Ange in Bangkok is back online...

1 comment:

Ali said...

Hey Ange - about time too!!! Missed ya! xx