The only chick in shorts....
I arrived in Kolkata last Sunday afternoon - a slightly delayed departure from Bangkok (will explain later!) meant I had a lot of ground to cover in a short amount of time in order to catch up with my work colleagues and India travel buddies - Wendy and Ashley. In my very first test of backpacker toughness I was faced with the choices of (a) a marathon 24hr train journey or (b) a budget breaking 1hr flight.... hmmm... decisions decisions... how to justify the budget breaking domestic flight? I could not eat for a few days? Or go easy on the beer at some point? Ease up on internet and mobile phone addiction? Spend a day or three in a hammock reading a book? Surely I could claw back the misspent dollars? Regardless... I was alone, in Kolkata, being harassed by every man woman and child in sight. I hadn't even opened up my guidebook, was only vaguely familiar with Kolkata's geographical location, I was blowing the budget on day one and taking a flight to Dehli!!
Arriving in Dehli, 10pm, single, white, female... in shorts.... not a good idea Molony... time to consult the bible (aka The Lonely Planet)... suggestions for solo female travelers: Plan your trip so that you don't arrive after dark. If you arrive after dark, get your hotel to pick you up. Don't take a pre paid taxi.... My arrival went something like: arrived after dark... hotel wouldn't pick me up... i took a pre paid taxi... Hmmm... I was feeling a little nervous.. but lived to experience the ghetto that is budget accommodation in Delhi! Weary from the days adventures I slept like a log in that smelly light starved concrete holding cell and jumped out of bed grabbed my pack and fled to the bustling train station at first light... destination: Agra - The Taj Mahal and Wendy n Ashley...
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