Thursday, November 10, 2011

Blog's back....

My sister's blog is active. Like once a week active. And she makes me laugh. Sometimes I am laughing with her, sometimes it's at her, but still she is #winning. She is winning the who-is-the-most-addicted-to-the-computer competition and the who-has-the-better-blog competition. But she shouldn't be winning, she hates technology! Her biggest tech accomplishment (aside her active blog) is summed up in a few pictures she did with Microsoft Paint! Microsoft Paint! FFS! She loathes technology and it loathes her. But she is still #winning. What does this mean for me and my self esteem? A big effin #FAIL.

So I'm making a comeback spurred on by the weekly updates of my big sis and those of her blog buddy over at Chickens and Bees. I need some new direction though, something that will get the creative juices flowing. (TANGENT: What the eff is creative juice? Does it smell?) I guess I could ramble on about the floods in my hood. Or the lack of floods. Or the messed up politics that surround the floods and that are infuriating the outer limits of the city. Or maybe I could chat about our floody escape? Or maybe you would prefer 700 words about my crippled cat that pees and craps just outside the tray? I mean my sister wrote about sneezing ffs.

Or maybe I need a whole new direction,  a new template, a new title, some writing buddies, new adventures, real stories, passion.... stay tuned folks this shit is about to get real.

1 comment:

KatMol said...

The sneezing blog got 35 hits in about 2 hours!!! Not stacks - but that's a lot of traffic for my blog!!!

I am an art-tiste, thank you :-)