Beach time!
The long weekend last week called for a much needed city break and what better place for it than the island of Phan Ngan. The pain and cramps of a nasty overnight bus ride were eased by a breakfast beer, bowl of noodles and a sun burning beach sleep. And we'd only been on holidays for an hour! We did a couple of dives with Haad Yao divers, while our instructor seemed to be permanently narked, he was relaxed and chilled out and guided us through two great dive sites (one of which involved a swim through a rock chimney where I cut my leg - hard core). The beers after diving hit the spot and it wasn't long before I thought releasing firecracker rockets was not only a good idea but extremely bloody hilarious! Ashley quickly became rather maternal and expressed her disapproval - I think it was more that I made her husband light the rockets and put his body parts at risk that made her a grumpy Nana for the evening. But seriously, imagine a huge exploding firecracker rocket shooting of uncontrollably into a resort, possibly into a bungalow! Hilarious! Right? Right? Are you laughing or shaking your head disapprovingly? Laugh!
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