Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Who let the Dog's out?
Facebook is stifling my creativity....
I once was addicted to my blog. I was addicted to my friend's blogs too. I would check them daily, sometimes twice daily. I formed friendships with people I didn't know but who wrote interesting tales about their interesting lives. I was moved by the birth of a child to a mother I didn't know, just read about. I was intrigued by the insight of a expat who moved to Phuket to further his writing. I was humoured by the stories of a family in Chiang Mai who'd always be getting up to something interesting. I loved to check in on my friends blogs, read about my mate's latest housing project or work of art. Laugh at the crazy situations my netball buddy was getting herself into here in Bangkok. And then, “You've been sent an invitation to Facebook”. Oh boy, how my life has changed, oh boy how pathetic is that?
So, it's December now, a good couple of months since anything exciting has happened and I am making a pact with myself. Cut down on the Facebook hours and write something interesting again. Stop throwing sheep at people and buying pictures of gifts. Stop poking long lost school friends and accepting friend requests of people you may have had a three and half minute conversation with in high school. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not going cold turkey. I just think it's time to balance the scales, give my old blog the time and effort she deserves. Try to get some readers back... will you come back?
I've got loads to get you up to date with... I moved house, went to China, won our Netball League, got silly on far too many occasions to mention here.... so, it's time (again) to get back to the blogging and move slowly away from the time consuming and socially boring life of a facebook addict.... (did I mention that I created a profile for my cat!? Shit, I didn't even mention that I have a cat... so much to write...) x
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Goodness Gracious Great Wall of China
I dream about visiting those massively famous places. The big name tourist destinations. I cringe at the thought of sharing them with one million and one people, but there are some cities in which there are must do trips, and in Beijing there is no other must do trip quite like the Great Wall of China. We did fall into the trap of a somewhat organised tour but it worked to our advantage in the end. Being dumped 10 km away from our destination on a section of the wall that had had very little restoration work done on it was nothing short of magnificent. Breathe taking stuff, seriously, my breath, gone (may have had something to do with the 10 km hike, but mostly to do with sheer amazement).... Wendy, Ben and I set out on a beautifully sunny morning walk, I was prepared for the chill out on the wall but soon found myself shedding layers of clothes faster than a twelve year old playing chocolate manners (ha ha, do you know that game? You have to throw on loads of clothes and then cut the block of chocolate with a knife and fork? Aaaah, it takes me back, but probably confuses the pants off you...) Anyway... the sun was brilliant. The wall was everything I imagined it to be. The breathlessness of the whole experience is hard to describe.
There was a constant sense of “HOLY CRAP I AM ON THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA!” and I found myself needing to shout “GOODNESS GRACIOUS GREAT WALL OF CHINA” at every moment. It's true i may have somewhat destroyed the serenity for other wall walkers but I just couldn't help it! The Mongolian farmers that have left their flocks and who now trail the wall trying to sell their goods were slightly time consuming but full credit to the 72 year old chap who was doing laps around me. There were some crazy steep sections to climb and that Mongolian chappy was most certainly half mountain goat in his ability to scamper up and down that wall... still feel bad that he followed us for about 30 minutes and I didn't buy any water from him. I did tell him that I had some already. Listening skills not unlike my students it appeared!
After the walk (which I think took us about 3 hours?) we cruised down to the waiting bus on a flying fox. Nothing quite like being strapped into a harness, a few hundred metres above the river, by an under qualified 70 year old Chinese lady who said nothing other than “hold on”! It all worked out in the end but we couldn't help but notice the lack of safety standards adhered to! But we lived to tell the tale so I should stop going on about it!
Anyway, the rest of my Beijing adventure was equally brilliant. I mean it's a rather polluted and somewhat dirty city (although by all accounts they have cleaned up their act). It was hard to find good coffee but not at all hard to get cheap beer. The food was good, but I am spoiled in Thailand and find it difficult to be wowed by anything else (it's not that I am not open minded, I am just spoiled here!) We rode around the city umpteen times and
enjoyed visiting even more of the overcrowded tourist sites, attempting, if only for a little while, to immerse ourselves in some of what Beijing had to offer. Obviously, Hooters isn't exactly the peak of Chinese or Beijing culture, but you have to go, right? I mean, it's Hooters?! The end of the week had Wendy and I at a work conference. This should mean hours of stimulating and inspiring teaching habits, but what it actually meant was excessive wine and beer drinking and embarrassing situations.... will I ever learn? x
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
At first I was afraid I was petrified....
At the first the girls really had no idea what they were getting themselves into... but it took them only seconds to realise what they needed to do... take it away girls!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
How much longer can I put this off?
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Way too long between drinks!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
I can post but I can't read...
I don't know why I can get to my dashboard - but not mine (or any other blogger pagers)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Everything you can do, I can do better
Seriously. Why is it that just doing what is in the Lonely Planet, or Rough Guide or advertised on the walls of the hostel is never enough for some people that they have to make up bullshit stories about being the only westerner that has ever been seen at a particular beach, mountain, restaurant, noodle shop etc. BUDDY, IF YOU MADE IT THERE, SOMEONE ELSE WOULD HAVE BEFORE YOU!! GET OVER YOURSELF!
I love to hear stories from other backpackers, they are your best resource when you are on the road - but please spare me the crap. (Yes I want to know that a hard bed sleeper isn't that bad and it will save you a few dollars, but I don't believe you when you tell me that you were in fact the first white person that the 5 other locals in your room had EVER seen!) I cringe at that loud mouthed tourist (very often a fellow Aussie - double cringe) who always has to out do everyone elses travel stories. "oh you only trekked to the first village? That's cool, but I went to the second village, I met an awesome and interesting tribe of people who actually believe that eating the eyeballs of chickens brings health and fertility. I sat there and ate with them - I am sure that I was the ONLY WHITE PERSON THEY HAD EVER SEEN!"
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Little ol Mum proving she's just not very sharp..
Friday, June 29, 2007
School's out for summer!!!!
- I will be an Inquirer "How much is your beer?".
- I will be a Thinker, "I wonder if it will be cheaper for me to buy a bottle or a jug?"
- I will be a Risk taker, "I wonder if I can make it across the 8 lanes of traffic in Hanoi after consuming beer"
- I will be Principled, "No, a happy ending is not neccessary but I will still give you a tip"
- I will be Caring, "Cint, it's ok, just let it all out, I'll get you some water and hold back your hair"
- I will be Open Minded, "I understand that your way of life depends on giving happy endings"
- I will be a Communicator, "I promise that we can go home just after I sing one more round of Land Down Under on this Karaoke machine!"
- I will be Reflective, "Maybe, that last beer was one too many"
The principles that my students live and learn by each day will not be forgotten by me on my summer holidays! BRING IT ON!!!!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Tagged again .... all about me
Rules: Each person posts the rules before their list, then they list 8 things about themselves. At the end of the post, that person tags and links to 8 other people; then visits those people’s sites and comments, letting them know that they have been tagged, and to come read the post, so they know what they have to do.
1 - I was born on the 29th of February. Born mid afternoon (or so I am told) so no chance to be held on to or squeezed out any earlier. I celebrate my bday 3 years out of 4 on both the 28th and the 1st... I milk it for all I can!
2 - One year for Christmas I got rollerblades and a matching set of grey t-shirt and bike shorts with the Beverly Hills 90210 logo on it... cool
3 - I nearly wet my pants in Kindergarten because Mum put me in a school dress that zipped at the back. It didn't occur to me to just lift it up to pee.
4 - I am still convinced that the day I came home from a friend's 21st when I was only 17 and had drunk a two litre bottle of coke mixed with a hip flask of Jim Beam that Dad couldn't tell
5 - I have successfully completed The Centurion 4 times... on one occasion I also had an extra can at 50 just for kicks... (The Centurion is the challenge to drink 100 shots of beer in 100 minutes)
6 - I don't remember the 80th to the 99th shot of beer on any occasion that I have successfully completed The Centurion
7 - I worked a ski season in the US in the year 2000, was riding my board like a true snow queen and then crashed and tumbled into a screaming heap. I smashed my elbow into a zillion pieces, comparable to a car accident I've been told, and I now have plates and screws in there and have lost about 30 degrees of movement.... I tell this story to everyone I meet.
8 - I once pretended I was a leprechaun
Ok, I am not sure if I know 8 people to tag since Lillian already tagged The Lost Boy and BangkokAli, and ChristinaG has done this already... ok, it's time to spread my wings here a little and mention some other blogs that I am reading...Damn it - Greenhaddock and Beaman have done this as well.... I'm out there looking for folks who haven't been hit yet... struggling
Monday, June 25, 2007
My sister arrives bearing gifts...
My little sister is kinda my hero. I have never in my life met anyone who laughs quite as much as she does, and it’s an infectious laugh that just lifts the mood of everyone around her. We have a weird relationship really; we’ve never actually spent a whole lot of time together as adults. She went away for uni so we missed out on spending much time together during those drunken uni days. Almost as soon as I put my pen down on my last exam I had my bags packed and ready to go so we once again missed out on seeing a whole lot of each other. Of course there were family get togethers, lunches here and there with our other sister but rarely the occasion for extended socialising. My older sister and I studied in the same city, so she was always having me over for dinner and meeting me out for beers (note that I rarely had her over for dinner as I lived on campus and wasn’t ever really a reliable host!) My older sister and I have had lots of time together, we’ve pissed each other off, fought for extended periods of time and then kissed and made up enough times to know that we still love each other. The last few times that I’ve been home in Aus my little sis has been away on her own worldly adventures and we have once again missed the opportunity to hang out. Over the last 4 years I would not have spent more than about 6 days with her at any one time, and each of these 6 day blocks would be separated by months and months of not seeing her. But with all of this absence, I think we’ve actually become closer. Yeah, we most definitely have. We are so similar and yet so different (she’s a skinny little thing with an eye for fashion, this is the most obvious difference!) but we both enjoy a beer and she makes me laugh with her stupid jokes. So the next 5 weeks will be a true test and will hopefully be truly awesome! We will hit the road and cruise from Hanoi down through Vietnam, across Cambodia and then back to happy old Bangkok. Bring on the fun!
(Oh, and about the gifts - I can't exactly reveal any information relating to that...)
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
It's all about the Music
5 - You’re going on a long journey, what five albums MUST you take with you? Albums that you need to listen to regularly.
(This changes a lot! But this is what my ipod tells me has been popular lately!)
- The Waifs - Sink or Swim (I can't get enough of their folky harmonies and cheesy lyrics)
- Dixie Chicks - Top of the World Tour (Country tunes that I can sing really loud and really badly with!)
- Madonna - The Immaculate Collection
- Regina Spektor - Begin to Hope
- Mika - Life in Cartoon Motion (AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME FUN!)
4 - What four albums/songs do you most associate with a journey or travel experience? You know, the ones you listen to that instantly transport you back to a place and time.
4 Non Blondes - What's Up.... Grade 8 School trip to Tasmania, I'd made a mixed tape (remember those!) and it was the only one we had for the whole trip. Sitting on the back seat screaming out our lungs to this song was great fun.
Hunters and Collectors - Throw your arms around me... My entire, wonderful, memory filled 3 years that I had living at Menzies College, Latrobe University. Everytime I hear it I think of the beautiful and loving friendships that were formed over those years....
Emmylou Harris - The Tennessee Waltz... As a kid we would take long trips up to Pambula in Central NSW every other Christmas to visit my Nana. We rarely had much input as to what tapes were played so we just had to try our best to enjoy Mum and Dad's selection. I'll admit that I rarely hear this song these days, but if I did it would take me straight back to the backseat of our silver Toyota Tarago, winding up over the hills on the east coast of Australia with my sister and I in tears over the fate of this man's loved sweetheart....
Rent the Musical soundtrack - Melbourne to Robinvale/Mildura road trips. A good 6 hour drive that we often completed up and back over the course of a weekend for 21sts, random parties or to ease the boredom of college on the weekends! Myf, Meg, Ez and I would belt out these tunes and then stop for a while to contemplate the meaning of the lyrics - oh we were moved! One Song, Glory!
All 3 - Your three favorite songs of all time? (This really is NOT easy!)
Better Man - Pearl Jam
Burn One Down - Ben Harper
The Boxer - Simon and Garfunkel
2 - Two feel good songs, the ones that are guaranteed to lift the blues and put a smile on your face.
Goodbye Earl - Dixie Chicks... so it's about an abusive husband getting what he deserves, but it's sung in such an upbeat way it always makes me smile!
Irene Cara - Flashdance
1 - Absolute, overall, undoubtedly the best album of all time, in your opinion.
Madonna - The Immaculate Collection
(Note that this took me ages! And I must have changed every answer at least twice)
I’d like to know what sort of music gets Bangkok Ali, Christina G , LaNina and Sloth reflecting
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Who let the dogs out?

If you've hit Bangkok Ali's site in the last couple of days you would have seen some evidence of a dangerously raunchy night out we all had last Saturday at Mojo's Bangkok. It was the annual end of season netball bash and the theme was (obviuously) School Disco. Maybe we went too far with the fish net stockings but here in the Land of Smiles it is just too easy to go too far! I can't think of anywhere else in the world that you could put together such awesome uniforms in only a few hours AND for less than $10! Rebecca and I hit Pratunam markets on Saturday morning and came away with fish nets in all the colours of the rainbow, neat little white school shirts (80 baht a pop), school skirts complete with front and back pleats and funky old school trainers. Add to that some creative hair and make up maintenence, some lollipops and lots and lots of Madonna and Bon Jovi and we had ourselves a night of nights!
(For those who didn't already know, the title Who let the dogs out? refers to the name of our netball team The Mad Dogs and not the fact that I think we look like dogs - obviously we don't!)
Monday, June 11, 2007
Facebook is starting to take over my life....
Friday, June 08, 2007
I need a new title for my blog
I'm starting to get a few more hits, people are linking to my site which is flattering and it seems that people are hanging around for a little while longer (more than the early average of 3.5 seconds) which means that perhaps they are reading what I've written! Great!
So, I need your help... I want a new blog name. From here to there obviously came from a minuscule amount of thought, and even with dedicated thought I still can't come up with something that I like.... so, it's the NAME ANGE'S BLOG COMPETITION and it starts now...
Prizes - all the glory you can muster....
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Beach time!

Monday, May 28, 2007
Jumping on the blogwagon
I rarely post entries like this, mostly I am just giving a wrap up of an exciting weekend or short trip away - but what is more interesting? Random thoughts like this post or holiday summaries and tales of adventure? I guess for someone who knows me they might like to read about how I watched devout Catholics flagellate themselves or how I've recently spent evenings being all hoity toity at Bangkok art galleries but for random strangers - what brings them here in the first place?
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Ange and friends are Bangkok Hi - So
I recently attended a charity function at the Sukkothai Hotel and was snapped up and published in the social pages of the Big Chilli magazine....
The photo on the left is Noi, Pat and Me, the photo on the right is Sarah and her hubby Josh.
There was an art exhibition (I've been to two in a month! A new record for me!) and some nice (read free) cocktails.... don't we all look hot?!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Philipines photos
Friday, May 11, 2007
Paddy is a STAR!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Mutant bugs and girly screams

Well actually, I've started with a fairly dark and nasty picture haven't I? But that's what I've been instructed to do, the last thing that Pat needs is a barrage of people hinting for invites to his intimate private beach. So, aside from the private beach, the rustic charm of the bungalow accomodation, the wonderful scenic view from the bathroom, the constant flow of exquisite imported red wine, the delectable offerings of the fruits of the season, the calm and cool surroundings of the coconut trees, the refreshing aromas of the frangipannis and the warmth of the company you will find there - it's only ok.... I mean, it is a long drive
Friday, April 27, 2007
bangkok metro style...

Messaging Pat and Gill to inform them that I out did the coolness of our most trendy student I was ordered to take some photos. The thunder and lightning was booming outside and I knew that my do would not hang around long in the humidity - only solution was to take photos of myself, in the bathroom....
Thursday, April 26, 2007
work and play in singapore
Feeling slightly recovered from my indulgences I spent an extra day in Singapore with the wonderful and beautiful Reubs. He once again drove me around, taking me to the best places to eat, the fanciest places to people watch and sip martinis and the best places to pick up bargains. Auntie Shirley (Reubs' equally wonderful mum) cooked up a curry storm that rivaled the infamous curries of ol' 2North days. Just the right amount of spice, yogurt and cucumber to send the taste buds into a frenzy. Not quite as gastronomically delightful was Daniel's 8th birthday party feast on Sunday - luckily Reubs and I had snuck out for tempting ribs in broth beforehand and got away with just one serve of cheesy bacon American diner style fries at the bday party. As always, Singapore was for me, better than anyone ever says. Trees, traffic free roads and countless places that serve prata at anytime you might need it - I think to myself "maybe it's my next stop before I go home?" but then I get back to the stinking hot, traffic infested madness of Bangkok and wonder "aren't I already there?"
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I'm a minor (VERY MINOR) celeb!
The magical island of Bohol

Ok, sorry about the misleading title, there isn't actually anything MAGICAL - wizards and magicians about Bohol, but it is wonderful and beautiful all the same. After finally escaping the madness of Manilla, Alex and I set off for some relaxation time at Nuts Huts, a superb jungle getaway located on the Loboc River (an almost glowing green river that you actually DO want to swim in). For three days I swam, ate healthy foods, walked up and down a good 200 steps, nourished my thirsts with some good old cheap Filipino beers, finished a couple of books and beat Alex at Trivial Pursuit (ha ha ha ha! she wasn't too happy about that ) We also spent a very slow day out on a rented motorbike - slow because Alex is a candy ass and couldn't handle anything above 40 clicks - and slow cos that's the Filipino way. We visited a cute little Tarsier centre that cares for and breeds cute little Tarsiers (check out the photos and decide for yourseleves if they are cute or not!) and we went to the lumpy old Chocolate Hills. The Choco Hills are a major tourist attraction for Bohol but really, at the end of the day, they are just hills, lots of them... hmmm... i took photos cos i was supposed to, but I wasn't particularly moved by their beauty or lack of! Take a squiz at the pics and decide for yourselves!
After the riverside relaxation we moved ourselves across to simple little beach side huts for some sun, sand, beer, fish sighting and fish eating fun. The island of Panglao, still within the province of Bohol is (like all beaches in the peens), home to ultra - don't dare forget your sunnies - white sand and crystal clear turqoise water. So picture perfect that even the fish are carrying state of the art digital cameras to savour the beauty. The reefs were close enough to swim out with a snorkel and say hi to Nemo and his pals and the dives were cheap enough that I did more than a few. It had been a while since I'd got myself wet below 20m of water and I was just a little bit nervous about the whole thing. In fact for the first 30 minutes of my first 50 minute dive I didn't look at anything except my rapidly decreasing air gauge! But I did manage to see a big school of barracuda, some moray eels, a good handful of wickedly colourful sea slugs and snails and a little baby shark that kept hanging out on my tank. I was having a few bouyancy issues - in that I couldn't keep bloody still - and i was constantly reminded of a quote from the book God of small things : The deep swimming fish covered their mouths with their fins and laughed sideways at the spectacle... the spectacle of course was me and my inability to stay at one depth for more than a few moments!
On my dive trip we met our new besties, a honeymooning couple from the UK, who certainly gave us a run for our money on the How much beer can you drink? front...Rob and Ellie were an absolute craic - stealing tamborines (Ali helped too), taking the piss out those who deserve it most, PDAs with sand in undesirable places and some creative rules for darts - they had us totally entertained for a few nights running. On Saturday night after a carb fueled dinner I experienced a little burp with a hot and chunky suprise, ready to call it a night and suffer with my hangover alone in my bungalow I felt inspiration from Rob and Ellie - the old farts who just kept on drinking! How the hell could I let them out drink me! Order me up a heavy - FAST!
Saturday, April 07, 2007
In the name of the father and the son....

there was a whole re-enactment of the passion of christ, pilate was there, judas hanged himself (that actual was only a dramatization!), there was a whole crowd of people cheering and booing etc and it was actually kind of weirdly moving in a bloody kind of way... keep in mind that prior to all this, dozens of men not bound for the cross were walking the streets flagellating themselves. they had covered their faces with cloth, many had a crown of thorns, all of them were dripping with blood as they continued to whip and carry out the act of mortification of the flesh as a reminder of the degradation the He suffered... so back at the passion of Christ re-enactment....
you had to be really careful to avoid the bloodied men as you squeezed in around the crowds for a better view - i had Jesus Christ Superstar songs stuck in my head for most the day which created a rather holy moment for me - that was until of course good old ange and her 'not so tough at all style' prevailed and i found myself weak at the knees, white as a ghost and ready to pass out completely! (and the nailing action hadn't even bloody started!) i found comfort under a small tree (judas would hang himself at this very tree later on) and sniffed on some smelling oils that I had conveniently tucked away in my bum bag. then it all started to get rowdy! the music intensified and the shouting was deafening, there they were dragging jesus to the peak of the hill, his back already dripping with blood after his lashings. many people were playing the part (many were just curious onlookers viewing the whole thing through their cameras) but everyone was completely fixated on what was happening in front of them. 'Jesus' let out a wail as he was nailed in one hand at a time and then his cross was raised for all to see.... (again at this point I really didn't want to look to closely, i mean the man had huge bloody railway sleeper nails in his hands!!! :o)
once 'Jesus' was pulled down and rushed to the medical centre, 6 other men took their turns to show their repentance and endure pain as their Saviour did....
we slowly walked back to our bus as the final man was brought down from his cross - still feeling kinda weak and not sure what to think about the whole thing there was a moment of silent reflection and disbelief, and then i saw the blood splatter all along the side of our van! we obviously came too close to a gang of self flagellaters and our van now looked like it was witness to a serious crime!
"Are Filipinos bloody devout Catholics?" they replied as one "It is as you say"
Friday, April 06, 2007
Wet and wild at Lake Taal

Thursday, April 05, 2007
No escape from Manilla
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
seriously 80s
Monday, March 26, 2007
All gambled out
Friday, March 23, 2007
Bloody Gym
had a little accident in the change rooms though. caught my leg on the corner of a little metal bench and i really started to bleed out! :O i mean, not bleed out in the ER sense where i needed some kind of transfusion or blood donation, but bleed out enough that there was a significant red puddle on the change room floor and a generous amount of gym ladies offering their concern and support. i've got a nice big band aid on it today and am milking it...
Friday, February 16, 2007
heading off for some charity stuff
heading to cambodia this weekend to paint or hospital or something. it's all with that women's service club that i haven't and won't ever join, heading there with Gill and her mate Sarah (as well as other peeps) so it should be a good weekend. Hard work no doubt, but still something to be proud of.... wow this is kinda soppy.....
since I started this blog, about 3 months ago I've not done a great deal. it is time to start thinking about april holidays, at this stage i've narrowed it down to hard core travel in vietnam or a relaxing beach island hopping trip starting in the similans... too many choices, it's a tough life.... ok, if this gets any funnier i am going to wet myself... hooroo....